Signage Design for Highland Coast Hotels

This signage project was a wee challenge. We had to keep the design subtle, but still have it stand out to tourists and locals passing on the North Coast 500 route as they pass through the majestic scenery of Assynt in the north west of Scotland.

I took the profile of the nearby Quinag mountain as inspiration. With simple branding and a straighforward, easy to read message, the signs point to some of the best local seafood and views in the area at Newton Lodge and Kylesku Hotel just to the south of the Kylesku Bridge. A stunning area, and handsome signs to get your attention.

The job turned out great.

The signs were manufactured and installed by the excellent team at @roodsigns

#graphicdesign #signage #NC500 #Highlandcoasthotels #Kyleskuhotel #newtonlodge #direction #bespokesigns #scotland #designscotland


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